jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009

Al-Qaeda en el Maghreb Islámico niega su implicación en los incidentes de Tadmait - Tizi Ouzou-

Al-Qaeda en el Maghreb Islámico niega su implicación en el asesinato de cuatro civiles en Tadmait cerca de Tizi Ouzou.

Esta es la información aparecida en http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=68&art_id=nw20090804051608837C326694 :

'Armed men attack civilians'
August 04 2009 at 06:57AM

Algiers - Four civilians were killed on Monday by an armed group near Tadmait in the Kabylie region of north-east Algeria, local residents said.

Presumed Islamists opened fire on a vehicle three kilometres from Tadmait near Tizi Ouzou killing the four passengers, the residents said.

There was no immediate official confirmation of the attack."

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